Fun, fabulous and philanthropic... for all ages!
Our Inspiration…
When we reach certain milestones in our lives: 21 30 40, we always honor our departure as we pass from one decade to the next with a blend of celebration and reflection. One night, Mary Jo, about to turn 50, Mary Ellen, already 50 +, and a few other girls, were out drinking cosmos in Encinitas, California. They were discussing the ‘frightening fifties’. One of the girls, raised her martini in a toast, “Geez, Mary Jo, I don’t see you wearing a Red Hat, but I do see you wearing a RED THONG!!!”
That pulled a ‘String’ in Mary Jo’s head about what it means to turn 50 today, and it kept pulling and pulling and pulling…then, on another night, Mary Ellen, Kelly and Jackie were over at Mary Jo’s, standing in the kitchen, polishing off some chardonnay, (sound familiar ladies?) talkin’ about the Red Thong thing again. We really felt and knew there was a HUGE need for a cool and fun group of women to connect both socially and philanthropically. A group to encourage and educate all of our girlfriends from all generations, on the benefits of staying hip, beautiful and chic forever, while we have a little fun and help our communities in the process.
Growing up in the rebellious era of the 60’s, the mission bestowed upon our generation was to fight for a cause, to stand up for what we believed in. We changed forever how the ’grown-ups’ of that time believed how women should walk, talk and look. Now, as ‘grown-ups ourselves‘, we begin to conform a little more and rebel a little less. But one principle does not change, “We will not give into the norm, we will be different, we will help our communities and we will “Fight Frump Forever!”
Our Philosophy…
Drink blue martinis, support charities, be stylish, sassy, hip, edgy, have a youthful spirit, embrace milestones, be cool, fun-loving, be sympathetic of others, have inner harmony and peace, love your friends and family, Fight Frump, and most of all, enjoy life!
Our Logo Story…
We played with combining the panty and foot thong together, and we came up with The Blue Thong Society.
Many of you have asked, “Why blue?” In ‘color lore’, blue is linked to emotions such as sympathy, harmony, friendship and loyalty. These emotions belong to features that are permanent and reliable such as composure, mutual understanding and unshakeable trust. These traits are what we all want, look for and count on in our friendships with all the women thru our life: mother, sister, friend, daughter, and finally granddaughter.
Another question was, “Does that mean we have to wear a thong?” NO, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT! It means that our attitudes embody all we bring with us. We will always carry with us the powerful message that lives in our hearts, which we gained, (and we don’t mean pounds) from what we fought for in our youth and how it made us the wonderful and powerful women we are today. Now is our chance to make meaningful connections to other women, have some fun, and give a little something back to our communities by adopting local charities and doing “good works”!
SO, RISE UP LADIES!!! Get on the phone, invite your friends over and belly up around your kitchen counters to celebrate and embrace our enlightened, dynamic and enduring selves no matter whether you are 21, 30, 40 and last and the best 50 and beyond!!!
What We Do
We Gather Together
BTS Chapters meet regularly in cities across the U.S. to plan outrageous outings, festive get-togethers and fabulous efforts on behalf of the charitable causes they support. Blue Thong Society members span all age groups and come from all walks of life, yet they all share the same need to be a part of a sassy group of women with youthful spirits to connect both socially and philanthropically.

To Do Good Works…
Every BTS Chapter adopts a local charity and works as a group to support their cause. We’re a philanthropic engine that is just revving up. As we grow, our ability to have a positive impact on our communities and our country will be enormous. Think about it: Thousands of fun-loving women coming together to be a powerful catalyst for doing good works for the worthy causes we support. The outcome can only be good!
And Fight Frump!
We can’t say it often enough. We refuse to conform to the norm and live the rest of our lives out quietly. There’s too much to see and do; too many friends to meet and causes to work for; and too much fun we don’t want to miss. We will wear our hair long and wear bellbottoms and hip-huggers if we want to, and encourage all of our girlfriends, old and new, to Fight Frump Forever!
Our Signature Drink…
The Blue Thong Martini: we drink it at every event. It’s made with top shelf Vodka and the tastiest Blue Curacao and, true to Blue Thong form, it breaks the mold by having a ring of sugar around the rim. It’s the ‘call’ of choice for Blue Thongers across the U.S.! Visit the site for gambling online gokken
Come join us and become a Blue Thong Society Member today!
Our Founders

Mary Jo Wallo

Jackie Tushinsky
Jackie’s got a song in her heart, but she comes by it genetically. The grand-daughter of a concert cellist and daughter of a stereo manufacturer, she was raised in the San Fernando Valley. Jackie moved to San Diego at 19 and her interests turned from pre-med to personal training and bodybuilding. She’s still passionate about music, exercise, writing and making it all work together.

Kelly Golden
A Colorado girl, Kelly came to California in her thirties, reconnected with an old high school friend, married him and had two children. End of story? Beginning of a new reign – as Salsa Queen and founder of Golden Pepper LLC Hotcha Salsa. In her spare time, she volunteers for the Burn Institute of San Diego, runs, skis, works out and is writing a cookbook.

Mary Ellen Wiegand
Mary Ellen was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio but moved to California in 1974 as soon as she became a Registered Nurse. Mary Ellen enjoyed many busy years in San Diego, CA, raising her two daughters in addition to pursuing a varied nursing career. Her daughters are now grown and live on the eastern side of the country. Wishing to be closer to them, but unable to give up the sunshine, Mary Ellen moved to Florida, trading the beautiful sunsets over the Pacific Ocean for those of the Gulf of Mexico. She is still able to enjoy kayaking and inline skating year round. She continues her career in healthcare while enjoying many new friends made through BTS!
We will always carry with us the powerful message that lives in our hearts, which we gained (and we’re not talking about pounds!) from what we fought for in our youth and which made us the wonderful and powerful women who we are today. We’re a generation on the rise, celebrating enlightened, dynamic and enduring women no matter whether they are 21, 30, 40, or (we saved the best for last!) 50 and beyond!
Contact Us
General Questions/
Press Kit
Mary Jo Wallo
Founder/Liaison for Chapters
Website Advertising
Phone & Fax
f. 760-874-0322
Snail Mail
Blue Thong Society Inc.
P.O. Box 230715
Encinitas, CA